Iustin Tapuc,
Software Developer

I am a software developer with a passion for tech.

I look forward to work on software that will propel us towards the Jetsons' version of the future. As such, I like writing reliable code that works well. And in the case of the front-end of websites, I enjoy making these web pages look clean and work smoothly. If you are in need of such talent, don't hesitate to reach me through email, Linkedin, or Twitter.

I enjoy learning, and taught myself a lot.

Thanks to Udemy, I have taught myself multiple technologies such as React.js, and the basics of Android development using Java. I am also currently studying at the university of Ottawa in Computer Science. Below is a sample of what I have learned, and what I am currently learning:

Learned Skills:

  • React.js & Javascript (web)
  • Java (software development)

Currently learning:

  • Better ui design
  • Techniques of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Let our journey together begin!