My abilites, in-depth.


Knowledgeble with:

  • React.js
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • Java
  • Affinity Photo (like Photoshop)

Familiar with:

  • Android development using Java
  • Material design philosophy
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • Angular
  • WACAG 2.0


Spoken and Written:

English, French and Romanian

Work Experience

Aug - Nov 2022

Implemented new ui features, beautified React components and fixed ui bugs, thus saving the other senior developer time, and allowing them to work on other features of the web app. Interacted with a smart contract to fix UI issues on a web app. Quickly adapted to a new work flow. Became more disciplined by working remotely and balancing a school and job work week. Collaborated with my teammates using Github, reviewed code,and merged accepted changes using a more standardized flow. (Create issue -> Fix -> make PR -> Have Pr reviewed)

AedoAI inc.
May 2021 - Sept 2021

Updated, maintained, and added new features to a React web application that catalogues SQL Facts. The platform boosted efficiency by helping other developers on the team, find and test these Facts directly on the web app, thus saving time. Designed new aspects of the web app on my own, presented my ideas to the team, and implemented the accepted changes. Collaborated with my teammates using Github, reviewed code,and merged accepted changes.

Feb 2020 - June 2020

I completed a four months, part time, apprenticeship with Acadium. Here I made a fully functional chat website from the back-end to the front-end. During this apprenticeship, I was taught the MERN stack. (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) I completed this project to understand how back-end development works, and eventually be a full stack developer.

Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA)
Feb 2019 - Aug 2019

I was hired by the Canadian Border Services Agency as a Programer application developer to develop front-end internal tools using React. One of the projects I worked on, was a website that would help people working in airports around the country track the status of their printing order. Furthermore, I helped with the testing of internal tools for WACAG 2.0 using Pa11y and a script developed by me. I was also tasked to test various internal applications.

Lifeguard at H20
Mar 2018 - Jan 2019

As someone who enjoyed swimming since a young age, I decided to be a lifeguard as one of my first jobs. While working with H20, I was assigned to one of Hilton hotels' pool. There I learned a couple of things about customer satisfaction that I still remember today, like to never say 'no' or 'I don't know' to a customer, always direct them to someone who can provide them with a potential solution when possible.


2017 - present

I am someone who enjoys learning new and useful technologies therefore, thanks to the internet, there are a lot of things that I taught myself, one of these being React. This is a process I hope I will continue to maintain for the rest of my life, as new technologies come out, my skills will have to remain up to date with the latest and greatest!

University of Ottawa
2020 - 2024

I am currently enrolled at the university of Ottawa in the BSc with Honours in Computer Scince program. Here, I hope to attain the knowledge necessary to becomea better programmer. I am also looking forward to making a lot of great connections and develop great frienships over the years to come!

CEGEP Heritage College
2017 - 2020

Heritage college is a CEGEP or a Collège d'Enseignement Général et Professionnel. Going throught this institution is part of the expected curriculum for all students who live in Québec. Here I chose to study in a vocational computer science program, but then switched to social sciences. I overall enjoyed my experience here and I believe it will be a good transition towards university.

Collège Nouvelles-Frontières
2012 - 2017

Collège Nouvelles-Frontières is a private high school that I had the opportunity to attend. The experience of going through this school build me as a strong determined person. Overall, I will fondly remember the excellent classmates and teachers I had there.

Hire me today!

Now that you haved learned more about my skills and my previous projects, feel free to reach me to discuss our potential partnership.

Let our journey together begin!